Morten Alme
2 min readAug 18, 2021


Your chickenhawk civilian fear mongering reeks of double standards. So how long would this illegal occupation last?

For another 20 years?

For as long as Gitmo stays open and journalists are being persecuted by the "West" for exposing American made war crimes?

And how was it BIDEN who "surrnedered" to the Taliban when it was TRUMP who bragged about making a deal with them for a withdrawel in MAY?

If you think that GOPers cares one ounce about Afghans or Afghanistan in general....

Have a look at this:

They are more worried about being "invaded"...

And as far as corw values are concerned.

It seems that Americana christo-fundies shares the same values as Taliban themselves.

I aslo suggest you hear from a veteran or two about the hubris of the American empire.

Since what you described in the beginning would be both Iraq and Afghanistan before the wars..

Which wars?

Started many years ago.

With American made bullets and boms destroying entire ancient civilizations.

And I have only one message to all criusader chickenhawks who loves to play mondey morning quaterback with a monopoly on the plattforms and megaphones to spread their lies:

I'll send all Neocon chickenhawks on a one way ticket in a crate to Afghanistan!

With a tattoo on their forheads, stating "I'm the old chickenhawk white supremacist prune who hates you and wants to take your country and solve your problems!"

Send Laura Ingram in the same body bag as Jake Tapper, Mitch McConnell, The Bush klan and Donnie Bunkerboy!

United Sates of Awesome don't have any standards.

all they have left is a facade of superiority.

It's a house of cards-.

Built on borrowed checks from future generations they can't cover.

It's also delusional that Afghanistan pose some kind of existential threat to Ken and Karen in Georgia.

The recuritng office is right down the street btw.

Don't expect this old wounded warrior from more than 25 years back to join you.



Morten Alme

Freelance writer & expert in being lazy. Traveler. Cosmopolitan. I can. I can think. (sometimes). I can fast.